I am really not surprised to hear that Virgin and Sky have had a falling out over TV rights. Rupert Murdoch has always been about monopolising whatever market he has had his fingers in, whereas Richard Branson has always been about breaking monopolies and providing his customers with a quality service and value for money, and I speak as a customer of Virgin Mobile which I can't speak of highly enough. I have always had a quiet admiration for Branson and his attitude towards monopolies and watched with interest as he attempted to break into the trans-Atlantic airline business. Others had tried and failed and many believed that Branson would end up another statistic, being squashed by the big operators like British Airways. It was also said that Virgin were not capable of running a train company at a profit, yet today the franchise that Branson bought into has the best fleet of trains in the country. There are other achievements to take note of as well. Has Mr Murdoch set records for crossing the Atlantic Ocean by balloon or by boat? No, I didn't think so.
Branson succeeds at everything he puts his hands to. Failure is not an option. I can understand people being a bit pissed at the loss of some of their TV channels as a result of this little spat, but all the people threatening to cancel their cable subscriptions and go back to Sky are just playing right into Mr Murdoch's' hands, and lets be honest about it, he would like nothing more than to break the competition. It is, after all, what he is known best for. but this time he will fail because Virgin Media are serious competition who are out to be the best, and with Richard Branson at the helm you can guarantee that the Best is what they will be because Branson has always been good for his word. Murdoch is running scared and he knows it. Furthermore Richard Branson and Virgin Media know it.This fight may go on for some time but there will only be one winner and I know where my money is going.
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